Sean Duong on songwriting & serenity

by Britney McVey | September 26th, 2022

In terms of your overall composition, what is your favorite piece you have produced?

Oh man, that's a great question. I'd have to say Tally Marks is the best song I've ever written, and it may be my favorite song from us. I was going through a rough patch in 2021, and I really think I got all of the emotions I was feeling into the song's lyrics. I'm also really proud of the acoustic guitar part, especially since I usually suck at finger-picking. But yeah, it's just the most beautifully intimate and vulnerable song we have, and that's an important part of the songwriting process for me -- the emotional catharsis from honesty.

In your opinion, what is the most challenging aspect of composing a song?

Oooh, I'd have to say writing the instrumental is always the part I spend the most time on. I'm always trying to write instrumentals that are original and musically creative, and also different from any other song I've written. But at the same time, I know it's important that the music is still something the average music listener could enjoy. So it's usually tough finding that balance between making a song distinct/unique but not too crazy and farfetched for audiences.

Do you look/wait for inspiration to write? What is your process like.

I'm gracious enough to say that living my life and getting new experiences always gives me the inspiration for new songs. Whether I'm meeting new people or exploring new places or falling in love or going through a breakup or discovering new things about myself, a song idea typically comes out of it. It's usually a catchy hook or chorus first, and then I build the rest of the song around that. I also like to do this thing where I'll have a lot of separate ideas and see how I can combine them to make them work, which can be a little hit or miss.

What is something you wish you could have known or wish you could tell your past self?

It's corny but I would tell myself to trust my heart. I spent a lot of time stressing over things that really weren't that serious in the grand scheme of things, so I would just try to remind myself that everything is gonna turn out okay.

You seem to constantly be sharing new projects, is there something you want to share that we can look forward to? Or something that you are looking forward to?

I'm very very very excited for the release of Ivypaint's third EP "Never Pleasure," which would be my final work for the project. It's a bittersweet feeling having it be my send-off, but I truly believe it is the best songwriting in Ivypaint's entire discography. The lyricism and themes in all six songs capture my entire psyche perfectly, and everything I needed to get off my chest is all out there.

As for my future work with Sorry Ghost, I guess we'll have to wait and see in the new year.


Back on track with Until October's new single, "Absentee"